Bats in the British Isles are protected under European legislation and it is an offence to kill, capture or disturb bats. It is also an offence to damage, destroy or obstruct access to their place of roost.
It is however possible to avoid committing any offence through robust survey and well managed mitigation work. Our specialist staff are licensed and are able to help you through the mitigation process. It is recommended that surveys are undertaken during the early stages of the project so that delays are minimised.
Services we offer;
Initial bat Surveys
Surveys of built structures or trees on a development site that investigates the site for evidence of bats and the sites’ potential to support bat roosts. These surveys can be undertaken at any time of year.
Nocturnal Bat Surveys
These surveys involve dusk and dawn work using ultrasonic bate detection equipment and are undertaken between April and September.
Mitigation and Licencing
Where roosts are to be affected, we design mitigation to help our clients get their planning permission and apply for any licences which may be required.
DNA Analysis
Often a mitigation scheme can be designed with the help of DNA analysis of bat droppings found during an initial bat survey. This can be especially useful at times of year when nocturnal surveys are not possible.